Friday 26 October 2012

Domestic Narrative

Here's my outcome for the Domestic Narrative Project (I don't know if that's it's actual title, or if it had one...) the first rotational project I've done.
I thought I should also show the stills from the video I made of my model of my kitchen and the fridge, that I used to get the compositions in my narrative, also there's a picture of the model itself because I found out making it that I enjoy making models of rooms/ sets (?). Thinking about things as 3D objects made of different shades of light falling on them is something that comes quite natural to me. It influenced my outcome a lot, not in a very useful way however, I concentrated quite a lot on atmosphere, shadow, textures and the expressive drawing aspect of the brief, but people were confused about the actual narrative in the crit.

I like these stills, I think they look quite scrappy and childish, therefore kind of ominous. I didn't draw a finished image from the last one, I thought I'd leave it a mystery whether the fridge actually had a fire in it or not.

Narrative: A fridge breaks, all it's 'coldness' leaks out and freezes the room around it while inside the fridge a fire erupts.

Pretty Cointreau

I got these minatures from a car boot sale and I think they're really lovely, their little rich coloured centralised labels and the way the bottles are all the same but the contents is different colours, make them jewel-like and appealing.

Thursday 11 October 2012


I've made a cardboard model of my  fridge for this project but I can think of too many ways to use it... I could paint it further, or edit the photos of it and keep the real thing white, I could make a little room set for it, I could put drawings inside it, I could draw it in the real life room I'm using as a location for the narrative, I could draw shadin onto it, I could literally set it on fire (as fire in a fridge is part of the narrative I've decided on) and draw that.
I don't know what to choose... maybe I should do whatever and move on. Or wait till after I've done more research, but then I don't want the research to be informed by ideas I already have...
I am thinking too much about this.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Fridge science (research, rotation project 1)

I've been reading this information about fridges, which sounds really boring but I actually find it really quite cool, it reminds me of this article in new scientist about phase changing materials being used to keep buildings cool, with them it was melting and freezing instead of evaporating and condensing, either of these is pretty weird and shocking when it happens in anything that does it to a different temperature to water, the mental images it conjures are alien, like liquid nitrogen, weird.